How much are fees?
Band Dues will remain the same for the 2002/2003 band year ($500.00/member). Can be paid in 10 monthly instalments of
$50.00/month - Sept to June 30 '03.
Tour fee's are extra. This money goes towards busses and accomidations. (DC Dixies
pay for the band's food.)
Tour Fees will be set in Jan/03 and depend on where touring. These fees can be reduced by
working Excess/Designated Bingos(Non-refundable). Member Tour Accounts have been set-up.
Is there any fundraising/work required from members?
Each memeber must aquire a certain ammount of points in a year. This is done mainly by working bingos. If a member works one
bingo, they recieve one point. The member gets one extra point for every person they have working the bingo with them.
The number of Required Bingos/Points will be set at General Meeting, Sept 26th. This number will be based on the number
of members we have registered. Last years requirements were (member/family): 1 Member = 12 bingos 2 Members =
18 bingos 3 Members = 24 bingos. Bingo's are a major source of income for the band. The bingo year runs July
1 to June 30(cut-off).
What if I have more than one child in band?
If a parent has more than one child in the band, they do not have to aquire 12 points per child, this number is reduced. This
means you do not have to work double or triple the ammount of bingos.
What is Colorguard?
Colorguard is a form of dance using equipment, mostly flags, rifles and sabers. Colorguard are incorperated into the drill
around the marching band and provide the emotion for the songs. Colorguard can be dance, acting or both. There is a seperate
instructor for the colorguard who teaches them the routines for the music, and then they are blended into the mix to create
a show with sound, movement and color.

What is the Pit?
Marching bands use all kinds of intstruments, even those that cannot be carried around. The pit is where these instruments
are played. The musicians on these instruments do not march in the feild shows, but stay at the front of the feild. Instruments
usually found in the pit are keys, typmani drums, bass drums and little instruments used for color such as triangles, chimes
and bells.

What do marching bands actually do?
Many people think all marching bands do are march in parades. Actually, this is only a portion of what they do. They compete
in field shows, which are when the band and the colorguard march around the field to make shapes and formations. They are
judged on how well they make these fomations, marching technique, and various musical categories. The band is also judged
by sections such as horns, percussion and colorguard as well as an overall visual and overall musical score. Shows are usually
around 10-11 minutes long.

For more information, or to join, call the band phone at 471-1960, or call Ivy at 453-2370.