Previous Shows
Tour 2004
Show: Lost for Words...
Fanfare Majestic
My Girl
Fantasia on the Dargason
Saturday Nights All Right for Fighting
Tour 2003
Show:"Heros of a Darker Time"
Robin Hood
Everything I Do (I Do it for You)
Robin Hood Reprise
Drum Battle
Sons of Scotland
For the Love of a Princess
Circut: M.A.C.B.D.A. Canadian tour.
Tour 2002:
Show: "The Return of Carmen"
"Prelude/Dance Bohem"
"Smuggler's March"
"Avec la Guard Montage"
"Overture" (revise)
Circut: M.A.C.B.D.A.
Tour: Chicago, Illinois
Tour 2001
Show: "Carmen" including: "Carmen" "Habanera" "Avec la Guard Montage"
"Dance Bohem" "Prelude" Tour:Montana and Calgary, AB.
Tour 2000:
Show: "Beatles Medly" including: "Eleanor Rigby" "The Fool on the Hill"
"Tomorrow Never Knows" "Come Together" "Here, There and Everywhere"
"Blackbird" Tour: Calgary Alberta, Canada Circut: World Association of Marching Show Bands